| ita
Cristina Kristal Rizzo

the white dance

Concept and Choreography Cristina Kristal Rizzo production Cab 008 with the sustain of Regione Toscana, MiBAC e Comune di Firenze the project will be realized with the support of ResiDance XL luoghi e progetti di residenza per creazioni coreografiche, azione della Rete Anticorpi XL / Network Giovane Danza D’autore coordi-nated by L’arboreto – Teatro Dimora di Mondaino

Once the consistency of the ego is dissolved, if not demolished, there is nothing to be un-veiled, not the mystery of a truth to be revealed or to be enlightened by a consciousness, but the revelation in itself, on the edge of the skin. If the existence appears as a bodily exposure, so the thinking will have as its object the body and the experience of touching, of lightly touching, of getting closer, the real nature of the touch. This singularity given to the touching, must be intended as a thought in which the main feature of existence is to be singular/plural, is to be into the world as an infinite exposition.
The feeling of the body, always exposed, exists in the touch which brush the skin of the other, in the experience of going outward, in the tone of being ready for an adventure. Movement of dance, state of grace, ecstasy of the desire.
To be here, side by side, in the absolute compositions of the bodies without expecting an outcome and a return to oneself. To affect the extension and to extend the emotion with a simultaneous movement, which is the existence in itself.
The code in the title evoke either the famous album THE WHITE ALBUM by the Beatles, that coming from their trip to India and their experience with transcendental meditation, composed in 1968 one of the more multi-colored LP of the group, the one of pure expe-rimentation. But also, the term Ballet Blanc, which is used to indicate a particular section of a ballet in which fantastic and unworldly characters, diaphanous and immaterial crea-tures, dominate the scene and are represented with white costumes.

The choreography will be unscript for 4 interpreters and the debut is planned in 2020. Between March and July 2019 two creative residencies are planned as a start of this new creation, two moments in which the praxes and the theory will be interlaced as a first part of a relational process.
