| ita
Cristina Kristal Rizzo

BoleroEffect EXPANDED

by Cristina Kristal Rizzo from the original piece BoleroEffect danced by Annamaria Ajmone and Cristina Kristal Rizzo Original Dj mix by Palm wine made in collaboration with Azienda Speciale PalaExpo / Mattatoio Roma

Large scale performative event for a large number of bodies, it is meant to be transmitted after a week of workshop. The piece is suitable for any kind of body and is open to all regardless age, race or gender.
The praxes come from the dance piece BoleroEffect created in 2014 touring all over Europe.

Immagine a popular music as the Bolero from Ravel, known by all everywhere in the world, re- interpreted by a dj with electronic music. Immagine 25 or more bodies in couples developing with this compulsive music a choreography without fixed schemes, breaking the picture of composure, experimenting different habits paths. A collective dance occupying the scene creating a contagious atmosphere which very soon became hypnotic and carries away the gaze, the pulse and the body of the spectators. Immagine all this energy, exploding at the end of the performance in a dance hall open to everybody, a post-global collective rite animated by border-crossing sonorities and tropical dancing rhythmics, able to force the trajectory of an excited mass. BoleroEffect EXPANDED, with a special intensity and a mixture of genres, invites the audience to explore, trough choreography and dance, an unknown sense of abandonment, a state of exaltation and collective participation.
