| ita
Cristina Kristal Rizzo

ULTRAS sleeping dances

Concept Cristina Kristal Rizzo Dance Marta Bellu, Jari Boldrini, Barbara Novati, Cristina Kristal Rizzo, Charlie Laban Trier Music Deepsea Drive Machine, Dylan Mondegreen, Bonnie ‘prince’ Billy, Ed Sheeran, Napa Snidvongs
Set and Costumes Cristina Kristal Rizzo with the dancers Production CAB 008 With the sustain of L’arboreto - Teatro Dimora di Mindanao In collaboration with Teatro Metastasio di Prato Creative Residencies spazioK.Kinkaleri , Centro nazionale di produzione / Virgilio Sieni, L’arboreto - Teatro Di-mora di Mondaino and with the sustain of Regione Toscana e MiBACT

ULTRAS sleeping dances it’s a system of dances composed with very simple and linear bodily themes, sustained by a melodic melancholic playlist and by a serious of ludic ob-jects, thought as an habitat laying out each time in a unique and unrepeatable environ-ment shared with the audience, these dances expose themselves without any kind of technical apparatus to a collective intimate vision, as a generative hypothesis for a life in common.
In a sort of new dance theatre or time image subtly cinematographic, the ULTRAS slee-ping dances enter into dialogue with the space containing them as an energetic surplus, so much to appear as a playful activity where the mastery it is not only a technical virtuo-sity but it is also a special kind of grace, a political exposition of the bodies to the forces of life. We are trowed into life, they seems to say, we are inside an existence where we all encounter what life in itself contains: the crying, as much as the laughter, the comedy as much as the tragedy. To experience time means to consider time in itself as a vacuum in which every things become in presence trough a reciprocal com penetration in between things, in which the gaze is a subtile membrane tracing a passage infra the intimate and the ultra. The tale in the title sleeping dances, simply wants to indicate an alternative of resistance given to everybody, the possibility of enchanting one self in the threshold between the intimate and the public, to loosen the gaze so to contemplate the close-up of a face, the detail of a tear, the particular figure of a thing, the artificiality of the dream and inhabits the sensation.
